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Student Learning Assistance System


The Student Learning Assistance System can be accessed through for more information and announcements.

important dates

Learning Assistance Application Period: March 4 - 10, 2022

Release of Results: March 11, 2022

Submission of Appeals: March 11 - 15, 2022


Freshmen may file applications through the SLAS Online. They must log in using the email/username and password issued to them by the University to access the UP College Admission (UPCA) Confirmation Portal. Please still secure a UP Email to avail the various financial and learning assistance provided by the University.

who can apply

The SLAS Online accepts applications from:

  • Bonafide students of UP. These include:

    • Filipino undergraduate students including those enrolled in law and medicine who had been issued UP- mail accounts

  • Students in need of learning assistance from UP. Applicants would include:

    • Students applying for financial assistance

    • Students who wish to avail gadgets, internet connection and similar support services (e.g., tutorial services, assistive services)


Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs
Head of Student Affairs Unit: Louise Jashil R. Sonido (Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs)

Student Financial Assistance Officers:

  • Prof. Teresita Villamor Barrameda (Officer-in-Charge, Office of Scholarships and Grants)

  • Ms. Jocelyn N. Aberin (STFAP Section: ST System, SAGA (Student and Graduate Assistantships), Student Loans)


Telephone Numbers: (+632) 8981.8500 local 4504, 4505, 4506

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